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Survive and Escape (1D)


The “Survive and Escape” team building program offers a unique and immersive experience designed to strengthen teamwork, trust, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Participants step into the shoes of lost hikers in a simulated jungle environment, where they must work together to survive, gather resources, and ultimately find their way out. This challenging and dynamic simulation is carefully crafted to replicate real-world uncertainties and unexpected encounters, ensuring an engaging and memorable learning experience.

At the end of the session, participant will be able to:

  • Building Trust: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable and confident in relying on one another. This includes open communication, dependability, and a sense of mutual respect.
  • Building Bonds: Encourage stronger connections and relationships among team members. This can be achieved through team-building activities, shared experiences, and opportunities for social interaction.
  • Increasing Morale in Problem-Solving: Boost team morale by emphasizing the importance of working together to tackle challenges and find solutions. This can lead to a more motivated and cohesive team, ready to face any issues that arise.


Time Activity Deliverables
8:30 – 9:00am Arrival of Participants
9:00 – 10:15am ICE BREAKER
QUEST 1: GATHERING RESOURCESIn this quest, participants embark on a mission to collect essential resources vital for their survival in the jungle. They must work together to identify and gather food, water, and other supplies while navigating through the dense and unpredictable terrain.Learning Outcomes

  • Participants learn to allocate tasks efficiently, ensuring a systematic approach to gathering resources.
  • Participants develop an understanding of prioritizing essential needs, making informed decisions on what to collect and when.
  • Participants adjust strategies based on changing conditions, fostering flexibility and the ability to think on their feet.
10:15 – 10:30am Morning Tea Break
10:30am – 12:30pm Quest 2: Shelter Building

Participants collaborate to design and construct shelters using limited resources. They must consider factors like location, durability, and protection from the elements.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants apply critical thinking to assess the environment and make decisions on the most suitable shelter designs.
  • Participants tap into collective creativity to devise innovative shelter solutions.
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm – 3:30pm Quest 3: Escape Route Planning

With resources gathered and shelters established, participants shift their focus towards planning an escape route from the jungle. They assess potential risks, and consider alternative routes, ultimately working together to decide on the safest path to freedom.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants experience the pressure of time constraints and make critical decisions regarding the escape route, honing their ability to prioritize and think strategically.
  • Participants learn to identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them, fostering a proactive and collaborative approach to problem solving.
3:30 – 3:45pm Evening Tea Break
3:45 – 5:00pm Debriefing and Reflection with River of Experience

Led by facilitators, this session provides a platform for open discussion, reflection, and sharing of insights. It allows participants to process their experiences, identify key takeaways, and connect the lessons learned to their professional environments.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants reflect on their reactions, decisions, and contributions during the simulation, fostering self-awareness and a sense of personal development.
  • Participants analyze how communication and collaboration influenced their performance in the simulation.
  • Participants identify effective communication strategies and areas for improvement, translating these insights into enhanced teamwork back in the workplace.
5:00pm End of the Program


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